Saturday, April 29, 2006

Cows in the lounge, Part 2

Finally, the remaining five tracks from this excellent cowboy-song collection. The delay has been due to 1) lots of stuff going on at my other blog and 2) troubles with uploading these files. Home on the Range, for instance, required three tries!

But that's all water under the, er, trough....

I'm an Old Cowhand (Johnny Mercer), Morton Gould and His Orchestra, 1954 or 1955.

Riders in the Sky (Stan Jones), Morton Gould and His Orch.

Home on the Range (Trad.), Morton Gould and His Orch.

Buckaroo Blues (Gould), Morton Gould and His Orch.

The Last Roundup (Billy Hill), Morton Gould and His Orch.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, looks like my next book won't be about cowboys & cattle & home on the range, but I appreciate!
Have a nice whatever,
Lady Domi.

9:41 AM  
Blogger Lee Hartsfeld said...

Afternoon. Thank you.

What's the new subject?


10:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't get Boxnet to play anything... again.
Well, I received two books to take a look at, to decide which one would fit best into the collection. Both are basic love stories, with no specific subject -- ordinary, everyday life. No fancy setting (a ranch in Colorado) or job (wildcatting), which will make things a lot easier for me! But I will miss the researching job, though.
Will come back later, just in case Boxnet is... up again.

10:13 PM  
Blogger Lee Hartsfeld said...


Lately, never plays anything at the site. I've tried and tried. Downloading works, though. That appears to be the only option....

I do want you to hear my terrible new composition, "Daisy Train," at MY(P)WHAE. I can't tell if it works musically or not. It sounds good, then it doesn't, then it does....

Me, neurotic?


10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay! I'm off for one hour of frantic downloading, then...
Good mornin'!

3:57 AM  

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